Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Thomas Jefferson on the Jefferson Bible

It has been almost 2 years since I last posted, and I have in my planning schedule a stockpile of ideas to carry me through this year. For 2025, I am re-committing to this blog for my own spiritual health. Hope you will join me. 

Back in March 2024 my Christian Fellowship was deep into Karen Armstrong's book The Case for God, specifically Chapter 9: The Enlightenment.  Which doesn't seem to be very "enlightened" for the plethora of descriptions of God and Christianity that arose during that time. Clearly a discussion for another blog.

The Jefferson Bible

What did arise in conversation was the Jefferson Bible. This document was printed by the Government Printing Office and handed out to every new member of Congress between 1904/5 to 1957. Between then and now, several private citizens and organizations have occasionally revived the practice. In 2013, for example, the American Humanist Association distributed a free copy to every member of Congress and Barack Obama. (Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Bible#Publication_history )

This past week, I've been reading a book I picked up in Williamsburg, VA : BECOMING JEFFERSON: My Life as a Founding Father by Bill Barker. 

Background: Mr. Barker is an actor and loves history. He began his career as an historical interpreter in 1980 when a friend noted that he looked like Thomas Jefferson and asked if he would portray Jefferson at Independence Hall for photo ops and celebrations. And he did... for over a decade at events across the country. He came to Colonial Williamsburg in 1993, and what had been a summer gig became a full-time vocation, due in large extent to Mr. Barker's urging and dedication. To do his job, he has read everything he can of Jefferson's writings, both public and personal, as well as the many histories written about Jefferson. He has portrayed Jefferson in Colonial Williamsburg for over 25 years and is now retired. My husband and I have had the very good fortune to see him many times over the years when we vacationed in Williamsburg. 

Given his extensive and intimate familiarity with Jefferson, I think he can give us a good perspective on the "Jefferson Bible" and how Jefferson might have reacted to it. 

Mr. Barker writes:
Another victim of "twistifications" (a word coined by Jefferson) of historical fact is what has become known as the "Jefferson Bible." Mr. Jefferson did not write his own version of the Bible... The project is the result of Jefferson's study of translations of the four Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English to compile the life and words of Jesus by way of the eyewitness accounts in the Gospels. Jefferson began his study in the first years of his presidency, and later titled it "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth." Jefferson's purpose was for his better understanding of the teachings of Jesus... It did not denigrate the moral lessons taught by Jesus. Rather it was an effort to get at what Jesus actually said. [Becoming Jefferson, pg. 159.

I do love the word "twistifications," don't you? Given this background of what lay behind Jefferson's motivation, I appreciate how Barker answers anyone who asks him (as Jefferson) "Tell me about your Bible."

"I beg your pardon. I trust I am not so presumptuous as to write a Bible. What you are perhaps referring to is my scholarly investigation of what Jesus was known to have said."  Many people will say, "What do you mean by 'what he was known to have said'? It's all in the Bible." To which I then answer, "Which one? the Catholic Bible or the Protestant Bible? The teachings of Jesus have been published in many different versions, translations, and languages. And Jesus himself did not write down his own words."  (Becoming Jefferson, pg. 160)

Jefferson wrote to Richard Rush in May 1813:  "The subject of religion, a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved. I have considered it a matter between every man and his maker, in which no other, and far less the public, had a right to intermeddle." (Becoming Jefferson, pg. 160)

Kurt Smith, a younger interpreter, has assumed the role of Jefferson with skill and dedication, and shows us Jefferson's perspectives from his earlier years in government. But I am especially grateful for Bill Barker's magnificent legacy to give us a perspective on Jefferson and on the religion of one of our Founding Fathers. 

I feel in touch with Jefferson's approach. I want to soak up everything I can about Jesus, this charismatic, itinerant preacher who taught his followers "The Way" within Judaism in a manner that generated an entirely new religion within two centuries of his death. I've been on a lifelong journey with this... and I feel I'm just getting started. 

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